Saturday, March 23, 2013

In The Beginning: Handling The Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Knowing that you have a cancer is very difficult to accept and so, a family with a member who just has been diagnosed with skin cancer must be provided with the steps to help them in coping up and having the right treatment immediately.

·         The first thing that the family must do is to listen because that person will tell you everything that you have to know with regards to what the doctor have told them, what stage is the melanoma. No one will absolutely know that without the use of a biopsy, they would not be diagnosed with the disease. Whatever the stage is, it will still be stressing for the person. After you have been given with the facts, there are different things that you must do as a member of the family. You must be serious and you have to listen to whatever the person would say.

·         You could call anyone who has been experiencing the same situation that your love one is experiencing or you might also call someone who has an idea with regards to the disease. Ask and have an idea what the disease is so that you will have facts to help you in dealing with the funnily member with the disease.

·         You must research with regards to this disease. This is one of the most important things that you must do because you have to learn for yourself what the nature of the disease is and you have to find out what you can do for your love one. Thus, you could also research for hospitals which will provide treatment for skin cancer and the different methods which you can recommend for your love one to undergo.

·         After the diagnosis will be confirmed, this will be the point that you have to join your love one in searching for the recommended oncologist to help you with the disease.  Your doctor will suggest different courses of action and you could as well find for another plan of action. Or, you could have a second opinion form a doctor to confirm if the problem is really skin cancer. Your family member would consider an option but, at some point, he or she would hesitate to undergo those options because they might be afraid of the consequences of those options. Thus, it will be your obligation to convince them to undergo a process to fight against the disease.

·         To convince your family member, you could search for different methods used in treating skin cancer. As of now, there are a lot of ways to help people get well from skin cancer and there is a good prognosis on these methods. As a matter of fact, skin cancer is one of the types of cancer which is easily cured. Therefore, you must lay down options for your love one and tell them that these methods would help them in battling against skin cancer. Or, you could ask the doctors with regards to the right treatment for your love one and let the doctor explain it to the person so that he or she will be will be convinced with the treatment. 

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