Saturday, March 23, 2013

Common Types of Sun Allergies

Sun allergies take into form when a person is exposed to the sun and his or her immune system responds to it in an abnormally over-reactive way. Sun allergies are most often triggered by sudden environmental alterations to which the skin is exposed. Studies regarding the concrete and specific pathophysiology of this disorder are yet to be definite. The etiology specifically would be a person’s exposure to sunlight in conjunction with other hypersensitivity problems and problems regarding the immune system. The defense system of the body, hypothetically, reacts after the first initial interaction of the skin against the sunlight. The cells of the sun-exposed skin are altered. These alterations are the gradient to the rising hyperactivity response of the body.

Sun allergies take the form of rashes, most commonly. When these eczema-like rashes are further irritated due to hand contact or other environmental allergens, or when they are scratched, further skin eruptions occur. Blisters may form as a manifestation of fluid influx along with other defense factors in the area. Sites of allergies are very prone to scars, making the skin in the area very fragile to injuries.

Sun allergies can be triggered when exposed to the sunlight in just a few minutes. The differentiation between people who have this allergy and those who don’t is still unknown. Persons with histories of allergy in any form mostly bronchial asthma, are the ones most bothered by sun allergy. the wider rate of prevalence shows that heredity is the most common factor.

Sun allergies are further classified to smaller types. Some of these types are the following:

Actinic Prurigo. These forms of allergy are also called hereditary PMLE. People of Indian ethnicities are the most common victims of this allergy whether they be from the central, north, or south America. The symptoms often start and appear during childhood to adolescent years. In persons having this allergy, a comprehensive assessment of heredofamilial history should be obtained. Genetic is the most common factor why persons have this allergy. It may be passed to a number of generations from one ancestry. The rahes are mostly facial extending to the neck.

Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE). PMLE is one of the most common forms of sun allergies affecting persons. It usually appears after a person has obtained sunburn. It appears as an itchy, irritating rash in reddened skin exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. It does not choose any ethnicity, place of residence, or heredity. Prevalence on women is higher though, compared than in men. Symptoms initially appear during adolescent to young adult years.

This type of allergy is also seasonal, since it does not appear much during cold climates such as winter. Warm environments trigger the appearance of the skin lesions which often appears during the summer and spring.  The exposure to the sun is more often by these times compared to winter in which persons decide to spend time indoors. Gradual desensitization may treat PMLE but it does not have a universal effect. Some persons tend to become more sensitive to sunlight when exposed for longer periods of time. When desensitization is achieved, PNLE sometimes recurs when warm climates return. PMLE produces a rash within an hour or two of sunlight exposure. Its rashes are often generalized. Hyperthermia may be present along with body pain after its onset.

Can the Sun Cause Allergic Reactions?

Photoallergic Eruption. A person with no direct sun allergies might be the ones affected by this kind of allergy. Chemicals applied on the skin act as mediators to trigger allergic reaction and appearance of skin lesions. It it’s the reaction of sunlight with the topical chemicals that irritates the skin, not the sun alone. 

Orally taken drugs may also cause this type of allergy since its components go to the bloodstream, and then to the skin. An ingredient in sunscreens, topical antibiotic treatments, perfumes and cosmetics trigger this kind of allergy.  Drugs with profound side effects or those that requires prescriptions have common adverse effects involving this allergy. Oral antibiotics and psychiatric medications, oral contraceptives and hypertensive drugs tend to trigger skin allergies as their adverse effects. Some cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors, analgesics and antiulcerants also trigger this form of allergy. This form of allergy is often delayed and occurs around 1-3 days of sun exposure.

Solar Urticaria. This form of allergy appears immediately after sun exposure. Its rashes are large and very itchy. It is very rare though and mostly affects women. 

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