Sunday, March 24, 2013

Aid Low Libido

During middle age, women, tend to lose their libido. Libido in lay man’s term is sexual drive. There could be many reasons behind this. Fluctuations in hormones can cause low female libido. But other factors such as stress, fatigue and problems in the relationship can also cause it.

There are things that would help in stimulating female libido.

Stress reduction is the major step in enhancing libido on women. Relaxation techniques are the most effective ways to release stress. You can have mediation, a simple walk on the park or just doing deep breathing exercises. A good conversation with your partner can also help. Understanding each other will help you both to open up topics including interest towards your intercourse.  A regular exercise will help in good blood circulation in the body that will relieve stress. Take note the importance of good blood flow to the genitals. A low blood flow to a female genital gives a low libido. Exercise thus will help increase libido level.

Eat right. Being fat is not bad at all. A female’s body needs fats that produce anabolic steroids hormones like estrogen. When your estrogen is low, your sex is lowered too. It can also lead to dry vagina due to thin walls of vagina. Estrogen enhancing foods are soy and soy products. Also eat foods that are rich in fats. Aside from effects on hormone production, right diet will keep your body circulation in good state.

Natural supplements are also formulated to manage low libido. Various herbs and natural ingredients work on increasing blood flow on genitals and aids in achieving balance between hormones. Hormones can help boost sex drive and avoid vaginal dryness. These herbs also help relieve menopausal symptoms. Supplements are approved clinically, so you don’t have to worry about its side effects.

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