Saturday, March 23, 2013

List of Foods That Cause Acid Reflux

Everyone enjoys a delicious big meal and having aching heartburn and acid reflux later on. Today, it is not considered as a big problem. A lot of antacids are bought over the counter and then, everything is okay. However, after using antacids for a long period, you will notice that your reflux is occurring more often and this time, the pain is unbearable. Antacids will not work for you anymore.

Reduce foods that cause acid reflux

Reducing the size of your meal is the major and the first step that you must do if you want relief with acid reflux. And you will also try to minimize intake of foods that may irritate your condition in your diet. Reflux of acid happens when the lower part of your esophageal sphincter becomes weak or is forced to open. This may be caused with habits in eating or consuming foods that may cause reflux. Each person has a food that can trigger their reflux, thus, there are foods that results to reflux in a lot of people who suffer with the affliction.

Particular foods that cause acid reflux

First are your favorite foods from the fast food. You love eating these kinds of food without even knowing the harm that it can give you. You love eating fried chicken, greasy burger and French fries. Then, it is time that you must gradually remove this from your lifestyle. Chicken wings must also be avoided dipped in heavy spices which are usually fried. You don’t need to remove them all, however, you really have to reduce them and be more conscious with your food of choice.

Don’t you know that onions and potatoes are the biggest contributor in having heartburn and acid reflux? Most often, when you consult a doctor, they would suggest you to avoid eating these two. Citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes, lemons, cranberries and grapefruits are highly acidic, therefore you must avoid them as well. It is believed that milk can relieve you from painful symptoms of acid reflux. Contrary to that, milk products are also acid based. This means that you must avoid as well taking sour cream, ice cream, and cottage cheese.

Beverages like tea and coffee and as well as carbonated drinks must be avoided. Moreover, you must minimize consumption of alcohol like wines and liquors. Of course it is hard to remove completely your favorite part of the meal, the dessert. Your favorite treats make the digestive system upset. Therefore, chocolate cookies, cakes and brownies must be avoided. Thus, fried pastries and doughnuts are not contributory factors.

Designing your food plan simply comprises reducing intakes of foods that would most likely aggravate reflux of acid. However, each person reacts differently to foods. It is best for you o identify what foods will relieve you from acid reflux and what foods will trigger your acid reflux. Do not be scared to try foods that are new to you and do not hesitate to play with trying some old foods to find a balanced health. Moreover, you must consult your doctor regarding your food list. 

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