Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Guide to ADHD Parenting

            Do you ever get frustrated when you are taking care of your child who has ADHD? Living and taking care of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is by no means easy. ADHD parenting can take a lot of effort and it can bring you to the end of your patience at times but the rewards are definitely worth it. So, I bet you are thinking that there has to be an easier way to do this and you are right. Here is a guide that you can follow so you would have an easier time rearing your child with ADHD.

ü  Keep yourself healthy and your stress levels low. How could you take care of someone else if you are feeling ill or too stressed out? Maintain a healthy lifestyle and make sure you get enough time for rest and relaxation.

ü  A positive outlook would keep you from getting impatient and short tempered. Look on the bright side of things and always remember what makes your child unique. Take joy in the little things that he does right and do not magnify those things that he does wrong.

ü  Set a schedule for your child to follow and make a list of rules to guide him. Implement these things and be consistent. It would only confuse your child if you are not consistent in implementing the rules and regulations that you have set up.

ü  ADHD parenting is all about giving your child a sense of security, consistency and permanence. Keep your home neat and organized as much as you can.

ü  Rewards and encouragement are the best tools to help your child remember which behaviours are supposed to be repeated. Time-outs and removal of privileges are the best way to discourage your child from an unwanted behaviour.

ü  Allow your child to have enough sleep and rest. Quiet activities such as colouring books and drawing are the best activities before sleep. It will give your child time to wind down and relax.

ü  Teach your child to socialize and make friends.

ü  ADHD parenting is not just about schedules and rules; nutrition is another component that you must remember. Make sure that your child is well nourished. Provide a well balanced diet free of caffeine and excess sugar.

ü  Keep your child’s schedule simple and allow time for transitional activities to take place. Overloading the schedule would only stress out your child you might find him act out.

ü  Make sure to provide a quiet area for your child. This area should not be the same as the one you use for time outs. This area can be in your garden or a room in your house. This is a space for your child to have a calming environment and a place for him to relax.

`           It’s not as bad as you thought right? ADHD Parenting can actually be simple and easy with the right perspective. Now that you are armed with this information, what’s stopping you from being the best at ADHD parenting?

How to Parent a Child with ADHD

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