Saturday, March 23, 2013

Warding Off the Stress with Music

Stress is a part of our life. No matter what you do, you can never say goodbye to stressors. Stressors come in various forms – family problems, school problems, financial difficulties, emotional turmoil, medical illness, and a lot more. There are times when getting through these dilemmas seem hopeless, and we tend to give up, especially during times when these come together and give us one full blow.

Coping mechanisms are one way of dealing with stress. And one great way of coping is through relaxing music. At first, it seems like it does not make sense. But to contradict that belief, let me tell you how relaxing music will help you deal with stress.

When you are stressed, your brain seems to be in chaos. You keep thinking of the problems you are facing, and you keep on figuring out ways on how to solve these. Because of this, you are unable to concentrate on your job, in school, and in almost everything that you do. This would then lead to bigger problems than that of what you are dealing with currently.

To help your brain relax, try listening to a relaxing music. Opt for classical music, those that simply play the instruments with no lyrics. Go for a piece that is soothing to your ears, not the ones where you get excited. Keep this relaxing music at a soft volume. Just lay down your stressed body and close your eyes. Feel the beat of the relaxing music get into your system and try to just focus on that. This way, your brain will just concentrate on one thing – the relaxing music that you are listening to. Try to temporarily forget your problems and concentrate on that musical piece.

Once your brain is relaxed, you will able to think better and sharper. You can now begin to think of solutions to your problems. You were not able to do this before because like your body, your brain gets stressed too. You were focused on the present stressor, and you did not consider the other factors that led to that problem.

Now that your brain is relaxed, you can now face your stressor. Instead of making sloppy decisions, you will find a way on how to deal with stress that is logical. You can then kiss your present stressor goodbye. Relaxing music leads to a relaxed brain, which in turn, will function optimally and of course, rationally.

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